The following six courses are to be taken in a prescribed sequence. Unless an individual has a degree in exercise science from an accredited university, the Exercise Science Foundations course is the initial prerequisite. However, students who wish to double or triple up on courses, may begin with the foundations course while concurrently enrolling in either the Fitness Testing or Strength & Conditioning Specialist courses, depending upon which is available at that time. The prerequisite for the Functional Training Specialist course is that an individual has completed both the Fitness Testing and Strength & Conditioning Specialist courses. The Nutrition Education & Weight Management Specialist course can be taken at any time; however, a certificate will not be awarded until successful completion of the Exercise Science Foundations course. The Special Populations & Post Rehabilitation Specialist course has as a prerequisite the completion of the other five courses or a degree in exercise science from an accredited university.
Exercise Science Foundations Course
This course provides a foundational knowledge base that is common to all the different areas of fitness leadership. Whether aspiring to be a group exercise leader, fitness facility floor instructor or personal trainer, one must possess a fundamental knowledge of exercise science upon which to build in order to provide safe and effective fitness programming for the public.
Fitness Testing Specialist Course
This course extends the concepts of screening and programming as taught in the previous foundations course. The course, which is conducted at the Institute of Human Performance in Boca Raton, provides theoretical and practical training in health risk appraisal, physical fitness testing, performance evaluation, metabolic calculations and exercise prescription.
Strength & Conditioning Specialist Course
This course is designed for the instructor whose principle leadership role is in the area of strength training and conditioning, either within the fitness facility or personal trainer setting. After additional academic instruction in strength training, the majority of the course is conducted at different facilities to expose students to the variety of strength training equipment available today.
Functional Training Specialist Course
This course is designed for the trainer who wishes to take his instructional skills to the next level, thereby progressing clients beyond traditional gym exercises. Not only is FUNctional training more “fun”, but also it requires clients to operate in a ground-based, asymmetrical, multi-planar environment that facilitates human movement and better prepares one for ‘activities of daily living’ or ‘athletic competition’.
Nutrition Education & Weight Management Specialist Course
This course is for fitness instructors who desire an in-depth knowledge of nutrition science and a practical understanding of weight management. Students learn how to conduct dietary reviews from which they initiate dietary changes for their clients in order to establish healthy eating habits as outlined by the American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and the Food & Nutrition Board of the National Academy of Sciences.
Special Populations & Post Rehabilitation Specialist Course
This course is designed for those who have clients with specific disabilities and/or chronic diseases. The course addresses how to work with populations having received medical clearance to exercise in non-clinical settings but remain afflicted with hypertension, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, end-stage renal disease, COPD, PAD, neurological disorders, orthopedic concerns, etc. and their associated risks.
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